NMSDB Info Repo JSON Generator

This page is intended for use by people wanting to contribute to the Information Repository. If you've managed to stumble upon it some other way, you're welcome to look around, but you're unlikely to find anything useful



This appears at the top of a card, and is the only part visible when the card is collapsed

Don't make this too long. There are display issues with cards with long titles

If you want to reference a card that isn't in the repo yet, put the title of the card here (case sensitive)



This is the text that is shown on a card when it is expanded

Each item should not be too long. If you're stating more than one point in a single entry, split it up

Do not put punctuation at the end. This keeps the style consistent with the rest of the repo



This section adds sources to the bottom of a card

Each item should be a link, nothing else

Do not use URL shorteners

If possible, link to an original source. If such a source does not exist online (i.e. physical magazine), link to an Imgur album of a scan

For audio (podcasts, etc.), you can timestamp using Hipo's Audio Timestamp Tool



These are the categories that cards can appear under

The first category detemines the colour of the card

Always use at least one category

There is a dropdown list of all the categories in the repo so far



Related cards show up as a list at the bottom of a card

The dropdown list has all the cards currently in the repo

If you want to reference a card that isn't in the repo yet, put the title of the card here (case sensitive)



Keywords are extra search terms that bump the card up the search result

Use single words, all lower case



Click the Generate button to create the JSON and see a preview of the final result. Note that widths change based on display size

The Parse button takes the JSON in the box below and puts it in the input area for editing. It will overwrite whatever is in there already
